The C.A.R.E. (Culture, Abilities, Resilience, Effort) program focuses on the themes of cultural, economic, and language differences; unrecognized and undeveloped abilities; the power of resilience; and the importance of effort and motivation.
Learn about the deeper causes of disparity in student achievement and explore creative ways to improve academic success by using innovative, research-based instructional strategies.
At MSEA’s C.A.R.E. training, participants learn strategies for culturally relevant instruction using the research-based NEA C.A.R.E. Guide. You’ll focus on closing the gaps in student achievement by exploring:
- Cultural, economic, and language differences
- The development of academic ability
- Academic and personal resiliency
- The connection between classroom, family, and community
- Connecting to students’ interests, experiences, and knowledge to motivate and engage them in learning
- The essential interdependent elements of the school as a system
In addition, MSEA’s C.A.R.E. training:
- Provides research-based suggestions for what you can do to create a learning environment in which low-income and/or culturally and linguistically diverse students can learn
- Challenges educators to meet accountability demands while still offering quality instruction to those students who need the most help
- Includes additional resources to spark even more ideas for how to be successful with all students
- Offers practice sessions in the use of new strategies
For additional information about C.A.R.E., contact Pat Alexander, MSEA School Quality.