Educator Evaluation Framework

Use this glossary to help understand the complicated language of Maryland’s educator evaluation framework.  These terms are from the Maryland Educator Effectiveness Council (EEC) Initial Recommendations for the Statewide Educator Evaluation System. As pilot counties work to develop their own evaluation models based on the EEC’s recommendations, the terminology may change slightly while still aligning with the Education Reform Act of 2010.

Annual Evaluation A yearly evaluation of a teacher or principal that minimally includes student growth measure standards.

Assistance Process A process defined by the district for providing support to teachers and principals rated as ineffective.

Complexity Factors Factors recognized by the district that do not diminish student expectations but may have an extraordinary impact on student growth. Factors may include instructional diversity, unusually high number of transient students, specific unusual facility issues, etc. Complexity factors are not weighted with either professional practice or student growth measure domains.

District Match Test/Products to Teaching Assignments Assessments, selected by the district for grade level or content area teachers from the menu of multiple measures, which align with a teacher's assignment.

Mentoring Ongoing support provided to teachers and/or principals by a cadre of mentors trained by the district to provide teachers and/or principals with the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in their classrooms and schools and enable them to stay in the profession. Mentoring should be focused, systematic, ongoing, and high quality.

Observations of Leadership The process by which a trained evaluator has formally observed the qualitative measures of instructional and administrative leadership for each principal being evaluated.

Observations of Teaching The process by which a trained evaluator has formally observed the qualitative measures of teaching for each teacher being evaluated. 

Performance Standards Levels of teacher or principal performance resulting in a final rating of ineffective, effective, or highly effective on the individual's evaluation.

Professional Development The training a teacher and/or principal receives relative to the teacher's and/or principal's level of performance. It should be research-based, high quality, timely, and relevant

Qualitative Measures (Teacher) Observable measures and evidence, accounting for 50 percent of a teacher's evaluation, which must include the following domains: planning/ preparation, instruction, classroom environment, professional responsibilities, and other local priorities if appropriate.

Qualitative Measures (Principal) Observable measures and evidence, accounting for 50 percent of a principal's evaluation, which must include: school vision, school culture, alignment of curriculum, instruction and assessments, instructional practices, appropriate assessments, technology and multiple sources of data, professional development, engagement of community stakeholders, and other local priorities if appropriate.

Quantitative Measures Data specific measure which results from students' performance on approved state or district multiple measures of student performance.

Student Growth Measures Multiple measures of student academic and affective outcomes directly related to the teacher or principal. These measures account for 50 percent of a teacher's or principal's evaluation.


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