Doug Prouty

Vice President
(443) 433-3673

Doug Prouty is a high school English teacher, most recently at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville. He is in his 23rd year with Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS). He served as the president of the Montgomery County Education Association (MCEA) from 2009-15. In these capacities, he has testified, advised, and advocated in Annapolis and Rockville on public education matters. He has served on the Budget Committee for MCPS and as the chairperson for bargaining teams on behalf of MCEA. He was an at-large member of the MSEA Board of Directors from 2011-17.  He also served as the vice president of MCEA from 2003-2009 and as the coordinator for the teacher professional growth system for Montgomery County Public Schools.  In this role, he served as the co-chair of the Teacher Peer Assistance and Review Panel.  Prior to holding these titles, he was the English Resource Teacher at Walter Johnson High School. He received an A.B. from Dartmouth College as well as an M.A. and B.A. from the University of Maryland.


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Click here for the second quarterly update of new business items passed by delegates at the 2019 MSEA RA.